Public Works

Public Works

The Public Works Crew offers a number of services for the City residents including:

The City of Jefferson Public Works
1122 Tensfeldt Avenue

Phone: 920-674-7737


The information below is being provided as a service for those who are interested in the river level in the City of Jefferson.
Per DNR mandate, the City of Jefferson must maintain the river level between a minimum headwater of 782.0 and maximum headwater of 783.0.  (United States Geologic Service (USGS) Elevation).  There is a corresponding gauge on the Rock River Dam in the City of Jefferson used to measure the water level.

Gate adjustment is determined by headwater elevation and flowage upstream.  For more information on upstream water levels and flow Click Here.

**  Dam Opened Additional to Facilitate Upstream Boat Launch Project- Dam Operating Within DNR Regulation
**** Both Gates Closed Completely and Reopened for Maintenance Operations.



Todd Clark 920-674-7727
317 South Main Street
Jefferson, WI 53549

* If you need to meet with the Engineer it is best to schedule an appointment.

Andy Voight 920-674-7737
1122 Tensfeldt Avenue
Jefferson, WI 53549

* Most of the work conducted by the Department is done outside of the PW Facility and it is likely that you may reach the answering machine. Please feel free to leave a message and the Foreman will return your call at a later time.

The Public Works Crew is made up of six street crewpersons and a chief crewperson. In addition, the City has two mechanics which repair and maintain all City equipment.


Since January 2008, the City of Jefferson has had a Stormwater Utility to fund stormwater improvements within the City.  These charges appear on your monthly utility bill from Jefferson Utilities.

Please refer to the documents below for more information:

Stormwater Utility FAQ

Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study

Stormwater Credit Manual

Snow Removal

Well this winter looks to be just like last year…full of snow! It is important that we all work together to make sure that snow removal is a safe and efficient process.

During the winter months please use the following guidelines:

Keep All of Your Sidewalks Clear of Snow and Ice. This not only ensures the safety of all pedestrians, but is also the law. According to the City of Jefferson Municipal Code, Chapter 240, Section 7, “The owner or occupant of real property shall remove snow and ice from the sidewalks within 24 hours after the end of snowfall.”

Keep Your Mailbox Clear. Help your mail carrier, help you. By keeping your mailbox clear it will ensure that your mail will be delivered to your home on time.

Be Patient. The Streets Department wants to ensure the safety of all drivers, but they need time to properly clear all of the roads. THE MAIN ROADS ARE THE FIRST PRIORITY. Residential roads will be plowed in the order of traffic importance. Please plan ahead to give yourself enough travel time.

Stay Clear of the Plow Trucks. Plowing snow is a very dangerous job. Keep your distance from all plow trucks. Remember that if you can’t see their mirrors, they can’t see you!

By following the above restrictions, the Streets Department will be better able to clear the streets for safe travel. With everyone’s cooperation we can make this winter a successful one!

Yard Waste

Section 197-8(P). Blowing Grass Clippings and Raking Leaves into Streets. In the interests of Public Safety, and General Welfare, Community Appearance and Efficiency of Operation, it shall be unlawful to rake, place, or mow fallen tree leaves or grass clippings onto the pavement or into the gutter of any public street unless directed by the City of Jefferson. No person shall permit grass clippings from mower swaths to remain upon sidewalks, street pavements, gutters of any public street, or on abutting property not owned or occupied by said person. The penalty for violating this Ordinance is set forth in Chapter 1 Subsection 1-4 (C)(1) and penalties may be adjusted from time to time by Common Council Action.

How Do You Dispose of Yard Waste?
Please do not place yard waste, LEAVES or grass clippings into the street. In the fall the City does allow leaves to be raked into the gutter section of the street. However, this is only in the fall and only for leaves. The City has a special machine for picking up leaves and is only put together and used in the fall. The rest of the year you must take your yard waste to the compost site or mulch and leave the clippings on your lawn

Compost Site Hours
The compost site is open to City of Jefferson residents and is located at the end of Maple Grove Drive.  The site is open April through November and secured by 24-7 video surveillance.  If you observe unlawful dumping, please report it immediately to the Jefferson Police Department.  We appreciate all residents adhering to signage to properly place yard waste in designated areas.  Mulch and wood chips are free to City residents.  Thank you for cooperation.

Monday:         Closed
Tuesday:         Closed
Wednesday:   Open after 8am
Thursday:       Closed
Friday:            Open after 2pm
Saturday:       Open all day
Sunday:          Open all day


Curbside collection of brush is a service provided to residents as a convenience for the maintenance of their property.  Monthly brush pickup is intended for typical residential yard cleanup and is not intended for lot clearing or a means of disposing of entire trees. 

All brush must be placed behind the curb within the street right-of-way by 6:00 a.m. Monday of the scheduled collection week.


Brush collection operations typically require one week to cycle through the City, depending on other priority work, weather conditions, volume of brush, available staff or equipment breakdowns.  Special collections of brush or extended compost hours may be made following significant storm events.



April – November

1ST Monday of the Month


Collection of holiday trees will be made on the first three Mondays of January as crew time and weather permit, if not snow covered or frozen to the ground

Note:    If Monday is a holiday, place brush behind curb within street right-of-way by 6:00 am on Tuesday morning


  • Brush shall be placed in an orderly manner, uniformly stacked, behind the curb within the street right-of-way with all cut ends facing the street or parallel with the street facing the direction of traffic.
  • Public Works crews will pick up one brush pile per address per scheduled collection period.
  • Limbs shall not exceed six inches in diameter or be greater than 10 feet in length. Overall brush pile dimensions are not to exceed four feet by four feet by 10 feet (six cubic yards). 
  • Brush piles that are not uniformly stacked or piles that are tangled will not be collected
  • Please stack brush in a location where it is accessible to Public Works crews, does not impede vision of motorists, or block pedestrian walkways. Please avoid stacking it close to fire hydrants and sign posts.

 The following WILL NOT be collected:

  • Piles containing material other than brush. Brush piles containing stumps, logs, tree roots or root balls, yard waste, trash, lumber, vines, rakings, wood refuse from any building, remodeling, roofing, construction or landscaping project, or any other debris.
  • Brush mixed with leaves. Brush and leaves are collected by different equipment at different times.  It is inefficient for the crew to separate leaves from brush.   


Starting in mid-October, the Public Works staff will begin picking up leaves that have been raked into the gutters.  Public Works crews use a truck mounted vacuum to pick up leaves placed in street gutters.  Leaf collection operations typically require one week to cycle through the City, depending on other priority work, weather conditions, volume of leaves, available staff or equipment breakdowns.  Leaf collection will continue in the fall until all leaves have been collected or until snow prohibits crews from continuing collection.  Leaf piles mixed with brush or foreign debris will not be picked up.  The Public Works Department DOES NOT perform curbside leaf pick up in the spring. 


While it is the goal of the City to collect all brush and leaves placed curbside, the following option is available to residents between the months of April thru November:

  • Drop off at City of Jefferson Municipal Compost Site. City residents may drop off leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, brush, tree limbs (up to 6” in diameter) at the municipal compost site located at the end of Maple Grove Drive.  This site is open to City of Jefferson residents only.  Unlawful dumping will result in a $250 fine.


Residents may request delivery of chipped brush to use as mulch, ground cover, or for other landscaping needs.  The City will deliver without charge chipped brush per the following guidelines:

  • Deliveries will be made at the convenience of the Department of Public Works staff
  • The City will not re-collect material previously delivered.
  • The resident agrees to take an entire truck load at a time, typically 8 cubic yards

Resident requests for deliver should be made to the Public Works Department (920-674-7737).  Include the resident’s name, address and phone number, as well as a description of any preferred delivery location.